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Help this Book Gets Reviewed and Considered for Prizes

You may contact a book review editor or prize committee to help this book gain readership and publicity. One good reader can make the book project worthwhile.

Prize committee members and book review editors may contact the publisher's reviews team directly, either by email ( or via this link: .  Request for hard copies should be sent by email and may be honored on a case-by-case basis.  The author may also be able to provide a limited number of hard copies; email the author for more information.

Zoom Question-and-Answer Sessions

If you are interested in incorporating this book into a reading group or a class (exceeding 5 people),  the author may be available for a 30-minute Question-and-Answer over Zoom.  Questions should be submitted in advance.   Email for more information.

Invitation for Lectures and Presentations

I travel between Illinois and California on a semi-regular basis.   If you lead a workshop, class, or organization, I may be able to deliver a lecture or presentation.